Предлагаемый читателям материал будет полезен многим практикам и ученым, занимающимися проблемами оптимизации налоговой нагрузки на отечественные предприятия и усиления регулирующих и стимулирующих функций налоговой системы, вопросами и ......
Рассмотрены статистика ценных бумаг (формирование курсов, оценка, расчеты доходности, анализ риска и инвестиционного качества); статистика брокерско-дилерских компаний и других профессиональных участников рынка ценных бумаг. Детально раскрыта ......
В книге исследованы вопросы, связанные с определением уровня налоговой нагрузки на нефтяной комплекс России и ее воздействия на инвестиционные ресурсы отрасли. Предлагается методика прогнозирования налоговой нагрузки на нефтяной комплекс в ......
In the 1990s shareholder value was applied to all aspects of corporate strategy and management decisions as a result of intense competition, globalization, advances in technology, deregulation and the financial markets. As we enter the 21st ......
Now that you have it, learn the fundamentals that will help you keep it. Use the valuable information in this book to protect, preserve and grow your wealth intelligently. Learn strategies that might help you cut your tax bill in half and ......
The stock market has always been a centerpiece of the American financial scene. With a balanced portfolio that includes stocks you can make a relatively quick profit or save for retirement—if you know what you’re doing. Whether you’re a beginner ......
Dedication: This book is dedicated to the few serious Commodity Price-Action Researchers who spend countless hours pursuing the rhyme and reason of market action. The search for practical Truth in the chaos of market action is truly a Labor of ......
Winning consistently in the futures markets is generally regarded as the single toughest challenge facing traders and investors today. Yet, financial rewards can be quick-in-coming and extraordinarily substantial if these highly leveraged ......
A classic book that was updated and revised in 1994, now with a new foreword written by the author. A meaningful analysis, a few rules to follow, how to choose good charts, and numerous case histories. Guidelines to follow which help you to be ......